Luna Parc NJ

Unveiling the Magic of Luna Parc: A Whimsical Art Sanctuary in New Jersey

Nestled in the serene woodlands of Sandyston Township, New Jersey lies a hidden gem that transcends the ordinary. Luna Parc is the fantastical creation of the visionary artist Richard “Ricky” Boscarino. More than just a home, Luna Parc is an immersive museum where art, whimsy, and imagination reign supreme. This enchanting world is open to the public by reservation, offering a unique journey through a place where every corner holds a story, every room sings with color, and every piece of art sparks wonder.

The History of Luna Parc

Over three decades ago, Ricky embarked on a journey to transform his home into an artistic masterpiece. Luna Parc began as a conventional house but soon evolved into a kaleidoscope of creativity. Ricky has meticulously crafted a living museum that celebrates the boundless potential of imagination. - Get 1 Year for $45! (then $45 per year until canceled)

Luna Parc NJ

To experience the wonders of Luna Parc, visitors must reserve a tour. This intimate approach ensures a personal and immersive experience as you explore various art installations and sculptures. Remember to bring your camera to capture the surreal beauty of Luna Parc and wear comfortable shoes, as you’ll find yourself wandering through a wonderland of artistic expression.


The Tour Experience

Entering Luna Parc, you’re immediately transported into another realm. The exterior, adorned with mosaics, sculptures, and kinetic art, sets the stage for the wonders within. Each room inside the house boasts its unique theme, from the mystic allure of the “Pezzetti Room,” filled with thousands of tiny pieces creating a dazzling mosaic, to the whimsical “Circus Room,” where the spirit of carnival lives on.

As you meander through the corridors, you’ll encounter surprises at every turn: hidden nooks filled with miniature worlds, ceilings adorned with intricate designs, and walls that tell tales in vibrant hues. Ricky’s work is a testament to the joy of creation, inviting visitors to look closer and discover the magic woven into the fabric of Luna Parc.

Hidden Gems and Surprises

Luna Parc thrives on the element of surprise. From secret drawers filled with curiosities to garden sculptures that seem to move when you’re not looking, the estate encourages visitors to explore with the curiosity of a child. It’s easy to spend hours here and still feel like you’ve barely scratched the surface.

The Artistic Philosophy of Ricky Boscarino

At the heart of Luna Parc is Ricky’s belief in the power of creativity to transform spaces and lives. His work is not just about art for art’s sake but about creating an environment that inspires wonder and joy. Luna Parc is his invitation to the world to see the beauty in the whimsical and the importance of nurturing our creative spirits.

To visit Luna Parc, reservations are required. Details on booking, parking, and tour fees can be found on the Luna Parc website. Visitors are encouraged to respect the artistic environment and adhere to guidelines such as the photography policy and accessibility options.


How to Support Luna Parc

Luna Parc is not only a home and museum but also the headquarters of the Luna Parc Atelier Foundation, dedicated to fostering creativity and art education. Visitors can support this mission by purchasing Ricky’s artwork, making a donation, or volunteering. Every contribution helps ensure that Luna Parc continues to inspire for generations to come.

Luna Parc NJ

Luna Parc is more than a destination; it’s an experience that stays with you long after your visit. In a world that often prizes conformity, Ricky Boscarino’s magnum opus is a celebration of the power of imagination and the beauty of seeing the world through a different lens. We invite you to reserve your tour and discover the magic of Luna Parc for yourself. Prepare to be amazed, inspired, and utterly enchanted.

For more information, to make a reservation, or to explore how you can support Luna Parc, please visit the official Luna Parc website and follow Luna Parc on social media for the latest updates and events.



Luna Parc NJ


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