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Hello 2021, but let’s recap 2020

Want to live your best life but scared to follow your dreams? We all fear the unknown; read how I made small changes and how you can too.

2020 was a year that no one was expecting. I brought in the year with my to-do list of things to start and goals from the previous year I wanted to complete. Each year the top of my list was to lose weight. This time I was doing it for good and sticking to my guns. I love hiking, so I decided to join a group from the Meet Up app. I met a wonderful group of like-minded people and went out on my first hike in February. What I did not know, it would be the last time I would be in a group setting. Talking closely with people without wearing a mask and not being afraid to get COVID.


The Shutdown

March is when it went downhill. I was bound to my home; my leisure office became my new work from the home office. My daughter’s school closed; our living room became her new classroom. We did not know it would be the last time we would see our friends from work and classmates. Everyone went into a panic; the store shelves were left empty. I would never have thought toilet tissue would be scarce to find. I had to shop online and was now getting food and cleaning supplies delivered. We did not know what to expect moving forward. It felt like we were in an apocalyptic movie.

Empty Shelves

My job went from me going on the road, visiting offices, and having one on one conversations: to me becoming a telemarketer. This was hard for me; I enjoyed talking to people in person and having that close connection. During the first few months of quarantine, businesses were closed. 


I was becoming depressed; I kept on a brave face for my family. I decided to take some online classes in my field to brush up on my skills and keep my brain distracted from what was going on. It worked; I took some great courses and updated my resume with new certifications earned.

Getting Out and Living

I had to plan what I wanted to do this year. Winter gloom turned into Spring, and finally, by Summer, there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Businesses were slowly opening. I hiked just about every day and walked my neighborhood. It was time for a new change of scenery.

Unfortunately for me, my contract at work was ending, and I would be jobless at the end of the year. I did not stress about it. For some strange reason, I felt things would be okay. Maybe it was from all the motivational books I was reading. I was going to think about myself for the first time and enjoy my summer with my family.


My summer turned out to be great. I started a list of places I wanted to visit. We explored some beautiful gardens I had never been to. I took a road trip to Virginia, played mini golf for the first time, and visited Mercer Museum and Fonthill Castle; we got out to so many new places that I can’t wait to share with you in my upcoming blogs. We hiked new trails, I got out and started walking my dog more, and we started cooking at home instead of ordering out.

I headed down to Asbury Park Beach alone one evening. I haven’t been since I was a little girl. They did a great job rebuilding the boardwalk and cleaning the area. I got a chance to see some amazing artwork. I stopped stressing and started living. With that, my husband and I lost over 50 pounds each. We had a complete transformation during this pandemic.

My new motto, “Live Life!” We followed all the guidelines to keep us safe from Covid. We were socially distanced and always kept sanitizer with us. I purchased reserved tickets for outings; most importantly, we always wore our masks. I tested for Covid; my test was negative. I used precautions and got over my fears. I knew we would be fine if I were safe and following the guidelines.

Getting My Motivation Back

I looked at my Vision Board and added more things to my list. I did accomplish some things, but I wanted more. This time I was sticking to it. I took more classes online. This time it would be on what I wanted to do. Not what I thought I should do to make others happy. I thought about my career; what was my true passion? I love marketing and photography. I thought it was far-fetched; because I did not have the experience or wasn’t good enough. Again, there was “fear” holding me back.



I needed to be a student again to become better at what I wanted to accomplish. Take classes, do more reading, and get criticized. Stepping out of my comfort zone and shaking things up. I am so happy I did. We let fear disable us. We let fear make the decision for dreams we want to follow. I went back and read more motivational books, followed inspiring people on social media, and listened to some Podcasts. I got my motivation back; I kept my Vision Board next to me. I have two boards now. They both are staring at me, and I am staring back at them.

Letting Go of Fear

We went skydiving at Skydive Sussex in New Jersey! It was the most exciting adventure I can say that I have ever experienced. My husband always wanted to jump out of an airplane. I told him he was crazy every time he suggested it. I told him I did not want to do it because that is not something I wanted to do. It was not safe, and again, he was crazy. I made up a different excuse every time he asked me. In reality, I was SCARED!


After talking to him and telling him my true reason for not wanting to go. I started looking at reviews and wanted to see if this were something I would change my mind about. I decided to take the plunge and join him in skydiving. I am glad I did it because I have another jump booked for this Spring.

Skydive Sussex. My first jump, but not my last!

Live Your Best Life

I wanted to start living my best life; although the world was going through a tough time, I had to find the positive out of all this. I had to put myself first. I had to do things I loved. I had to make some tough decisions that would be hard. Set small goals for yourself; when you set big goals, they become harder to complete. Set a schedule for yourself and follow through with them. Stay motivated by reading and following encouraging people. Living your best life means; creating the life you want. Do not worry about what others will say. Some people can be Debbie Downers; you may feel discouraged. When someone talks down to you or shows no support, they may want you to remain stuck with them.

These are all things that we can do right now, regardless of our own individual circumstances. And if you do all of these, you will soon begin to feel that you are living your best life!

Happy New You!

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  1. avatar
    Hassana says:

    absolutely LOVE your life..always positive n crushing goals left and right!! you are such an inspiration to me and i’m sure of many more….keep up the glow and go..blessings are upon you😘

    1. avatar
      Pamela Rhodes says:

      You’re such an inspiration. You’ll succeed at whatever you choose to do.

  2. avatar

    You always were at one with the wind my friend. Chasing your dreams securing your families future. Succeeding a happiness !!! Love this. And thank you for the family friendly tips

  3. avatar

    Happy New Year 2021!!!

  4. avatar
    Margot says:

    Watching you through your social media forums has always been so positive in this scary year. I love your attitude, your drive and all that you achieved for yourself with your family. Happy looks beautiful on you! Happy and Healthy New Year!

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